Service Times: 9:15 & 11:00 AM
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Our Leadership


Pastor Dan Shafer

Senior Pastor

Dan was born and reared in Jacksonville, Florida into a Christian home with two godly parents who were Christian college professors.  At a very young age, Dan placed his faith and trust in Jesus Christ to be his Lord and Savior.  As a teenager, under the influence of God’s Word and a strong student ministry in his local church, Dan surrendered his life to the calling of full-time ministry. Dan has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Church Ministries (B.A.) as well as a Master of Ministry degree (M. Of Min.) from Trinity Baptist College in Jacksonville, Florida. Dan served for three years as an Associate Pastor/Student Pastor in Edgewater, Florida.  Following his service there, Dan served for five years as an Associate Pastor/Music Minister/Student Pastor in Johnston, Rhode Island. Dan has served as the Pastor of the All Nations Baptist Church since September 2002. Dan was married to Laurie in 1995, and she has served alongside of her husband for these many years.  They have been blessed to have three children, Julia, Matthew, and Katie.  Dan enjoys all sports (especially the NY Yankees), outdoor activities, and reading.

Pastor Santos Cabrera

Ministerio en Español

Pastor, Santos Cabrera; ha recibido al Señor Jesucristo como su salvador personal  el 8 de Enero de 1983                   y bautizado el 30 de enero del mismo año, ha servido como diácono de la Iglesia Bautista  Maranata de Palma Loma por 5 años, además como tesorero y siervo en formación, habiendo realizado sus  estudios teológicos en el Instituto Bíblico Bautista Independiente Maranata en Asunción – Paraguay, fue autorizado como Co-pastor el 2 de Septiembre del 1988 y ordenado como Pastor el 2 de Septiembre                 de l989, sirviendo como pastor de la Iglesia Bautista Maranata de Palma Loma – Luque por 13 años.

En el año 2000 emigró a los Estados Unidos con su esposa Nimia y sus dos hijas: Leticia y Jessica, sirviendo al Señor como pastor de la Iglesia Bautista Faro de Luz en Jamaica, New York por 16 años.

En la actualidad es Pastor de la congregación hispana de la Iglesia Bautista All Nations en Woodhaven, Queens, New York.

Su mayor anhelo es seguir la carrera que comenzó hace 39 años, sirviendo al que esta sentado en el Trono, y al Cordero, quien es digno de la alabanza, la honra, la gloria y el poder, por los siglos  de los siglos. (Apocalipsis 5:13) Bendito sea el Trino Dios quien me tuvo por fiel poniéndome en el ministerio. (1 Timoteo 1:12)

Pastor Santi Auxilio

Elmhurst Bible Study Director

Santi was born and raised in Cagayan de Oro City, Mindanao, Philippines. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Commerce with a major in Accounting from Xavier University. He had 27 years of work experience in the Philippines, both in public and private sectors. In 2001, Santi put his faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and Lord and was baptized that same year. From 2002 to 2003, he served as a deacon at Liberty Baptist Church, Philippines. In 2003, he and his wife migrated to the United States. There, he and his wife joined the All Nations Baptist Church in Woodhaven, Queens, New York. During 2004 to 2010, he served All Nations Baptist Church as Home Missionary/Ministry Assistant. It was in May 2006 that the church licensed him to do the work of the gospel ministry. Santi has completed various courses and studies from Faith Bible Institutes and is at present enrolled at The King Is Coming College taking Biblical Studies. He is currently serving the church as deacon and as Director of Elmhurst Bible Study group. Santi is also faithfully employed at Tradition America LLC, New York, assigned in the Facilities Department since 2010. He and his wife Daisy are living at Corona, Queens, New York and have been married for almost 34 years. They have been blessed with four children: Dexter, James David (married to Dawn Hope), Lukemark (married to Sarah Jane) and Shandy Mae; and are also blessed with one granddaughter, Sunshine Belle.

Pastor Aldrin P. Baidya

Bangla Ministry Director

Aldrin P. Baidya was born into a respectable Christian family in Bangladesh. He is the third of four children. He received his early education from a Baptist Missionary school in the district of Barisal, Bangladesh. He obtained his M.Com degree (Master of Commerce, major in Business Management) from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh and later Doctor of Ministry from Freedom Bible college and Seminary, Arkansas, USA. In his professional life in Bangladesh, he continuously served in senior positions for fifteen years in various private companies and foreign organizations. In 1992, Aldrin married Silvia K. Debsarkar, and they have one son named Elvis Baidya, who has recently graduated from Queens College in Queens, New York. In 2002, Aldrin was granted the opportunity to come to the United States of America, and the following year, moved to New York City where he connected with All Nations Baptist Church. Since 2003, Aldrin has been involved with All Nations Baptist Church through volunteering, serving, and assisting the church in many different ways.

In 1999, Aldrin submitted his heart and life to the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. From that day, he began to feel God’s call for ministry on his heart and mind. After many years of being faithful to the Lord, God miraculously allowed Aldrin to be ordained by All Nations Baptist Church,Woodhaven, New York, USA to be their pastor. Aldrin continues his studies and training as he seeks to lead, the Bangla ministry of All Nations Baptist Church for God’s glory. In his personal time, Aldrin enjoys singing Bangla, and Hindi songs and reading religious books, magazines and articles.

Alma Henriquez

Ladies Ministry/Ministry Assistant

Alma Henriquez was born and raised in Spanish Harlem, NYC. The third of four children, she attended Catholic school from an early age up through her high school years. Following high school, she attended college where she became involved with political and questionable activities leading her into troubling places in her life. Being inquisitive, she often found herself in trouble one too many times and the questioning of her Catholic upbringing remained constant. At a young age, Alma met the man that would one day become her husband. However, until her marriage, she did things “her way” and found herself  lost and seeking for answers in the “School of Hard Knocks.” The Lord is faithful!  Through multiple encounters and testimonies, Alma gave her life to Jesus Christ at the age of thirty.  She quickly developed a hunger for the Word of God and enrolled in some courses at a local Bible Institute. Her love and passion for ministering to women have cultivated a desire in her to teach, disciple, and mentor women from all walks of life. Currently, Alma serves and ministers in these capacities at the All Nations Baptist Church of Woodhaven. The Lord has given her two beautiful daughters, two lovely grandchildren, and a husband who is supportive and dedicated to the Lord in helping with the ministry.